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Syracuse, NY 13224

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Head 'Total Transformation' Coach, Move-it Instructor, AllCore 360 Trainer, Front desk Associate


Head 'Total Transformation' Coach, Move-it Instructor, AllCore 360 Trainer, Front desk Associate

Shawon has been working at Trillium since summer of 2013 and coaching at Trillium since 2015. He is a natural athlete and used to coach track and cross country at Henninger high school, and Bryan & Stratton college. He began college at Herkimer County community College and Onondaga community College with a major in exercise science and is a NASM certified escape fitness 'Move It' instructor. He is the head coach of the Move It and Total Transformation programs at Trillium plus all around hype man for the gym. He has a gift of making people feel empowered and motivated to do the crazy hard workouts he comes up with due to his fun personality and uplifting spirit. Shawon is a loving father of two high energy boys, and between keeping up with them and enjoying the Syracuse nightlife he enjoys playing soccer and dancing. "I love helping people achieve their goals, I get joy out of my client’s growth and their ability to change their own life for the better."